Publications du DMG

dernière modification de cette page : 17/03/2025

Publications 2025

Angibaud, M.; Grimal, A.; Bataille, E.; Huon, J.-F.; Jourdain, M.; Gaultier, A.; Rat, C. Patient Experience and Primary Care Teams: A Cross-Sectional Survey of French Elderly Patients. BMJ Open 2025, 15 (3), e085626. (IF 2,4 – SIGAPS B) (y accéder)

Gressier, M.; Leroux, S.; Vincent-Sweet, Y.; Bianco, G.; Banaszuk, A.-S.; Vartanian, C. Déterminants de La Participation Aux Dépistages Organisés Des Cancers Sur l’île de Noirmoutier. Exercer 2025, No. 211, 114–121. (NI) (y accéder).

Avouac, ML.; Bonnetain, R.; Morel, S.; Teigné, D. ; Hommey, N.; Rousseau, R. Intersectoral professionals’ understanding of the prevention of sexual violence against children, their role and that of the GP: a study using semi-structured interviews. Arch Pediatr  2025. (IF 1,3 – SIGAPS D) (y accéder)

Publications 2024

Jeanmougin, P.; Larramendy, S.; Fournier, J.-P.; Gaultier, A.; Rat, C. Effect of a Feedback Visit and a Clinical Decision Support System-Based on Antibiotic Prescription Audit in Primary Care: A Multi-Arm Cluster-Randomized Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024. (IF 5,8 – SIGAPS A) (y accéder)

Le Sant G.; Frouin A.; Gachet L.; Lacourpaille L.; Antoine Nordez A.; Bataille E.; Gaultier A.; Fournier JP. Effects of Preoperative Treatment on Healthcare Utilization and Return to Work for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries: a Real-World Study Using the French Healthcare Database. Phys Sportsmed. 2024 (IF 1,9 - SIGAPS C) (y accéder)

Pinot, J.; Gilberg, S.; Laouénan, C.; Alfaiate, T.; Ecollan, M.; Cussac, F.; Pecqueur, R.; Revel, M.-P.; Vartanian, C.; Partouche, H.; Duval, X.; Le Bel, J. Relation Between Chest Radiography Results and Antibiotic Initiation in Community-Acquired Pneumonia Management by General Practitioners. Ann Fam Med 2024, 22 (6), 509–517. (IF 4,4 - SIGAPS A) (y accéder)

Teigné, D.; Banaszuk, A.-S.; Grimault, C.; Lebon, A.; Nanin, F.; Gaultier, A.; Rat, C. Organized Cervical Cancer Screening: A Randomized Controlled Trial Assessing the Effect of Sending Invitation Letters. Preventive Medicine 2024, 189, 108150. (IF 4,3 - SIGAPS B) (y accéder)

Nguyen-Soenen, J.; Gaultier, A.; Artarit, P.; Nanin, F.; Fournier, J.-P. Efficacité d’une Intervention Multi-Facette de Déprescription Des Inhibiteurs de La Pompe à Protons Menée Par Les Délégués d’Assurance Maladie Dans Les Cabinets de Médecine Générale (DeprescrIPP-DAM) : Protocole Pour Un Essai Pragmatique, Prospectif, Randomisé En Clusters, Contrôlé, En Population. Exercer. 204th ed. June 2024, pp 254–259. (NI) (y accéder)

Maillard, A.; Jeanmougin, P.; Bouvet, E.; Lariven, S.; Le Bel, J.; Delory, T. Fluoroquinolones in Primary Care, a First Step for Patient Empowerment towards Antimicrobial Stewardship? Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2024, 30 (1), 7–9. (IF 10,9 - SIGAPS A) (y accéder)

Peiffer-Smadja, N.; Descousse, S.; Courrèges, E.; Nganbou, A.; Jeanmougin, P.; Birgand, G.; Lénaud, S.; Beaumont, A.-L.; Durand, C.; Delory, T.; Le Bel, J.; Bouvet, E.; Lariven, S.; D’Ortenzio, E.; Konaté, I.; Bouyou-Akotet, M. K.; Ouedraogo, A.-S.; Kouakou, G. A.; Poda, A.; Akpovo, C.; Lescure, F.-X.; Tanon, A. Implementation of a Clinical Decision Support System for Antimicrobial Prescribing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Multisectoral Qualitative Study. J Med Internet Res 2024, 26, e45122. (IF 5,8 - SIGAPS A) (y accéder)

Delory, T.; Maillard, A.; Tubach, F.; Böelle, P.-Y.; Bouvet, E.; Lariven, S.; Jeanmougin, P.; Le Bel, J. Appropriateness of Intended Antibiotic Prescribing Using Clinical Case Vignettes in Primary Care, and Related Factors. Eur J Gen Pract 2024, 30 (1), 2351811 (IF 3,4 - SIGAPS B) (y accéder)

Bouton, C.; Schmeltz, H.; Lévèque, C.; Gaultier, A.; Quereux, G.; Dreno, B.; Nguyen, J.; Rat, C. Early Diagnosis of Melanoma: A Randomized Trial Assessing the Impact of the Transmission of Photographs Taken with a Smartphone from the General Practitioner to the Dermatologist on the Time to Dermatological Consultation. BMC Health Serv Res 2024, 24, 660. (IF 2,8 - SIGAPS D) (y accéder)

Angibaud, M.Jourdain, M.; Girard, S.; Rouxel, L.; Mouhib, A.; Nogueira, A.; Rat, C.; Huon, J.-F. Involving Community Pharmacists in Interprofessional Collaboration in Primary Care: A Systematic Review. BMC Prim. Care 202425 (1), 103. (IF 2,9 - SIGAPS C) (y accéder)

Publications 2023

Nguyen-Soenen, J.; Weir, K. R.; Jungo, K. T.; Perrot, B.; Fournier, J.-P. Does Missing Data Matter in the Revised Patients’ Attitudes Towards Deprescribing Questionnaire? A Systematic Review and Two Case Analyses. Res Social Adm Pharm 2024, 20 (3), 296–307. (IF 3,9 - SIGAPS C) (y accéder)

Bouton, C.; Journeaux, M.; Jourdain, M.; Angibaud, M.; Huon, J.-F.; Rat, C. Interprofessional Collaboration in Primary Care: What Effect on Patient Health? A Systematic Literature Review. BMC Prim. Care 2023, 24 (1), 253. (IF 2,9 - SIGAPS C) (y accéder)

Hild, S.; Teigné, D.; Fairier, D.; Ruelle, Y.; Aubin-Auger, I.; Sidorkiewicz, S.; Citrini, M.; Gocko, X.; Cerisey, C.; Ferrat, E.; Rat, C. Development and Evaluation of a Decision Aid for Women Eligible for Organized Breast Cancer Screening According to International Standards: A Multi-Method Study. The Breast. 2024;73:103613. (IF 3,9 - SIGAPS B) (y accéder)

Mellot M, Jawal L, Morel TFournier JP, Tubach F, Cadwallader JS, Christiaens A, Zerah L. Barriers and enablers for deprescribing glucose-lowering treatment in older adults: a systematic review. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2024;25(3):439-447.e18. (IF 7,6 - SIGAPS A) (y accéder)

Piraux A, Angibaud M, Nizet P, Navas D, Sallenave-Namont C, Prot-Labarthe S, et al. Factors influencing French community pharmacists’ willingness to participate in research projects: a mixed method study. BMC Prim Care. 2023;24(1):229. (IF 2,9 - SIGAPS C) (y accéder)

Bigot, R.; Larramendy-Magnin, S. Facteurs de Risque Modifiables de Cystite Récidivante Chez La Femme Non Ménopausée. EXE 2023, 34 (196), 366–375. (NI) (y accéder)

Dupouy, J.; Chaneliere, M.; Schuers, M.; Laporte, C.; Bayen, M.; Gaultier, A.; Rat, C. A Face-to-Face National Congress Experience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Report Focussing on the Risk of COVID-19 Contamination. Eur J Gen Pract 2023, 29 (2), 2139825. (IF 3,6 - SIGAPS B) (y accéder)

Purchase, T.; Cooper, A.; Price, D.; Dorgeat, E.; Williams, H.; Bowie, P.; Fournier, J.-P.; Hibbert, P.; Edwards, A.; Phillips, R.; Joseph-Williams, N.; Carson-Stevens, A. Analysis of Applying a Patient Safety Taxonomy to Patient and Clinician-Reported Incident Reports during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Study. BMC Med Res Methodol 2023, 23 (1), 234. (IF 4,6 - SIGAPS B) (y accéder)

Bouton, C.; Meziere, P.; Gaultier, A.; Dupouy, J.; Rat, C. Identification of Factors Associated with Non-Adherence to Recommended COVID-19 Preventive Behaviours: A Cross-Sectional Study Based on a Survey among 1004 French Primary Care Professionals. BMJ Open 2023, 13 (8), e071215. (IF 3,0- SIGAPS C) (y accéder)

Morel, T.; Nguyen‐Soenen, J.; Thompson, W.; Fournier, J. Development and Validation of Search Filters to Retrieve Medication Discontinuation Articles in Medline and Embase. Health Info Libraries J 2023, hir.12516. (IF 3,5- SIGAPS C) (y accéder)

Huon, J.-F.; Nizet, P.; Caillet, P.; Lecompte, H.; Victorri-Vigneau, C.; Fournier, J.-P.; the BESTOPH-MG consortium. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Joint General Practitioner-Pharmacist Intervention on the Implementation of Benzodiazepine Deprescribing in Older Adults (BESTOPH-MG Trial): Protocol for a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. Front. Med. 2023, 10, 1228883. (IF 5,1- SIGAPS C) (y accéder)

Ramond-Roquin A, Bègue C, Vizzini J, Chhor S, Bouchez T, Parot-Schinkel E, Loiez A, Petit A, Ghali M, Peurois M and Bouton C. Effectiveness of coordinated care to reduce the risk of prolonged disability among patients suffering from subacute or recurrent acute low back pain in primary care: protocol of the CO.LOMB cluster-randomized, controlled study. Front. Med. 2023; 10:1156482. (IF 3.9 -  SIGAPS C) (y accéder)

Morel T, Heinrich CH, Zerah L, Hurley E, Christiaens A, Fournier J. Use of deprescribing search filters in systematic review search strategies: a case study. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2 juin 2023;bcpt.13908. (IF 3.7 - SIGAPS C) (y accéder) 

Hild STeigné D, Ferrat E, Banaszuk A-S, Berquet K, Lebon A, Bataille E, Nanin F, Gaultier A and Rat C. Breast cancer: a randomized controlled trial assessing the effect of a decision aid on mammography screening uptake. Study protocol. Front. Oncol. 2023; 13:1128467. (IF 5,7 - SIGAPS C) (y accéder)

Publications 2022

Laporte C, Fortin F, Dupouy J, Quirin A, Pereira B, Chenaf C, Delorme J, François-Maynié C, Rat C, Birebent J, Rambaud J, Duale C, Kerckhove N, Delage N, Authier N. Real-life testing of the Prescription Opioid Misuse Index in French primary care. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19:14845. IF : 4,6 - SIGAPS B

Teigné D, Banaszuk AS, Grimault C, Abes L, Gaultier A, Rat C. Cervical cancer screening uptake: A randomized controlled trial assessing the effect of sending invitation letters to non-adherent women combined with sending their general practitioners a list of their non-adherent patients (study protocol). Front. Public Health. 2022 10:1035288. IF 6,4 - SIGAPS A

Dupouy J, Bayen M, Schuers M, Chaneliere M, Gaultier A, Laporte C, Rat C. A face-to-face national congress experience during the COVID-19 pandemic: a report focusing on the risk of COVID-19 contamination. Eur J Gen Pract. 2022;1-4. IF 3,6 - SIGAPS B 

Hoarau E, Latypova X, Jourdain M, Isidor B. Challenges of preconception genetic testing in France: A qualitative study. Eur J Med Genet. 2022;65:104606. IF 2,5 - SIGAPS D

Paumier A, Asquier-Khati A, Thibaut S, Coeffic T, Lemenand O, Larramendy S, Leclère B, Caillon J, Boutoille D, Birgand G; French Clinical Laboratories Nationwide Network. Assessment of Factors Associated With Community-Acquired Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia coli Urinary Tract Infections in France. JAMA Netw Open. 2022; 5:e2232679. IF 13,3 - SIGAPS A 

Moumjid N, Durand MA, Carretier J, Charuel E, Daumer J, Haesebaert J, Hild S, Mancini J, Marsico G, Rat C, Zerbib Y, Vincent YM, Blot F. Implementation of shared decision-making and patient-centered care in France: Towards a wider uptake in 2022. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes. 2022; 171:42-48. IF NC - SIGAPS NC

Amélie AE, Ruelle Y, Frèche B, Houllemare M, Bonillo A, Bouaziz L, Rat C, Gocko X, Cerisey C, Aubin-Auger I, Ferrat E. What do women and healthcare professionals expect of decision aids for breast cancer screening? A qualitative study in France. BMJ Open. 2022;12:e058879. IF 2,7 - SIGAPS C

Le Corre T, Fournier JP. Rôle des pharmaciens d'officine dans les protocoles des maisons de santé pluriprofessionnelles en 2020: étude descriptive transversale multi-méthodes. Ann Pharm Fr.2022;S0003-4509 : 00053-0. IF NC - SIGAPS NC

Nguyen-Soenen J, Rat C, Gaultier A, Schirr-Bonnans S, Tessier P, Fournier JP. Effectiveness of a multi-faceted intervention to deprescribe proton pump inhibitors in primary care: protocol for a population-based, pragmatic, cluster-randomized controlled trial. BMC Health Serv Res.  2022; 22:219. IF 2,7 - SIGAPS D 

Morel T, Nguyen-Soenen J, Thompson W, Fournier JP. Development and validation of search filters to identify articles/evidence on deprescribing in Medline via PubMed and Embase. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2022; 22:79. IF 4,6 - SIGAPS B

Vincent YM, Frachon A, Allaire A, Boussageon R, Pouchain D, Ferrat E, Rat C. Development of a patient decision aid for COVID-19 vaccination with the Comirnaty vaccine. Fam Pract.2022;39:486-492. IF 2,3 - SIGAPS D

Fournier JP, Amélineau JB, Hild S, Nguyen-Soenen J, Daviot A, Simonneau B, Bowie P, Donaldson L, Carson-Stevens A. Incidents de sécurité des patients pendant la période de crise sanitaire (COVID-19) en France: étude séquentielle multi-méthodes en soins de premier recours. exercer. 2022; 179:25-36

Computerized decision support system (CDSS) use for surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in urinary tract infections in primary care. Delory T, Le Bel J, Lariven S, Peiffer-Smadja N, Lescure FX, Bouvet E, Jeanmougin P, Tubach F, Boëlle PY. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2022; 77:524-530 IF 5,7 - SIGAPS B

Nguyen-Soenen JJourdain MFournier JP.  Development of a patient education material for proton pump inhibitor deprescribing: a mixed-methods study. Ann Pharmacother. 2022;56:800-808. IF 3,5 - SIGAPS D

Publications 2021

Roux R, Berthou-Contreras J, Beuscart JB, Charenton-Blavignac M, Doucet J, Fournier JP, De la Gastine B, Gautier S, Gonthier R, Gras V, Grau M, Noize P, Polard E, Rudelle K, Valnet-Rabier MB, Tannou T, Laroche ML. REview of potentially inappropriate MEDIcationpr[e]scribing in Seniors (REMEDI[e]S): French implicit and explicit criteria. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2021; 77:1713-24. IF 2,9 - SIGAPS D

Samaran R, L'Orphelin JM, Dreno B, Rat C, Dompmartin A. Interest in artificial intelligence for the diagnosis of non-melanoma skin cancer: a survey among French general practitioners. Eur J Dermatol. 2021;31:457-462. IF 3,3 - SIGAPS C

Fournier JPAmélineau JBHild SNguyen-Soenen JDaviot ASimonneau B, Bowie P, Donaldson L, Carson-Stevens A. Patient-safety incidents during COVID-19 health crisis in France:  an exploratory sequential multi-method study in primary care. Eur J Gen Pract. 2021; 27:142-15. IF 1,9 - SIGAPS D

Rat CBlachier L, Hild S, Molinie F, Gaultier A, Dreno B, Nguyen JM. Targeted screening for melanoma after a 5-year follow-up: comparison of melanoma incidence and lesion thickness at diagnosis in screened (versus unscreened) patients. Press Med Open. 2021;2:100013. IF NC - SIGAPS NC

Démoulins ERat C, Martin L, Mamzer MF. Teledermatology practices: benefits, limitations and perspectives. Qualitative interview-based study with dermatologists. Ethics, Medicine and Public Health. 2021;16:100631. IF NC - SIGAPS NC

Larramendy SGaultier AFournier JP, Caillon J, Moret L, Beaudeau F. Local characteristics associated with higher prevalence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2021; 76:789-95. IF 5,8 - SIGAPS B

Onaisi R, Duvignaud A, Nguyen A, Dupouy J, Chastang J, Le Bel J, Landman R, Naccache J, Lefevre B, Piroth L, Binquet C, Makinson A, Darnaud T, Bégue C, Weiss L, Richert L, Anglaret X, Malvy D, Joseph J, Druais P, Darmon D, Rat C, Lhomme E, Saint-Lary O. Essai randomisé pour évaluer l'efficacité et la sécurité de traitements chez des patients ambulatoires atteints de Covid-19 ayant des facteurs de risque Essai COVERAGE France : présentation du protocole. exercer 2021; 178:451-58. 

Tudrej B, Jouannin A, Astruc A, Penchaud AL, Merhand S, Clément R, Rat C. Comité d'éthique du CNGE : quel bilan à cinq ans? Quelles perspectives? exercer 2021;174:274-9. 

Ferrat E, Vincent YM, Boussageon R, Rat C, Pouchain D. La vaccination contre la Covid-19 : le vaccin Comirnaty de Pfizer-BioNtech. exercer. 2021;168:24-25. 

Ferrat E, Vincent YM, Pouchain D, Rat C, Boussageon R. Vaccin Comirnaty contre la Covid-19 : une aide à la décision. exercer. 2021; 169:23-23.

Télémédecine et prise en charge de la douleur chronique en 2021 - mise en perspective. Duvaux C, Gobin M, Nizard J. Douleur analg. 2021; 34: 139-46.

Publications 2020

Larramendy SDeglaire VDussollier PFournier JPCaillon J, Beaudeau F, Moret L. Risk factors of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases-producing Escherichia coli community acquired urinary tract infections: a systematic review. Infect Drug Resist. 2020 13:3945-55. IF 4,0 - SIGAPS C

Abrahami D, Renoux C, Yin H, Fournier JPAzoulay L. The association between oral anticoagulants and cancer incidence among individuals with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Thromb Haemost. 2020; 120:1384-94. IF 5,2 - SIGAPS B

Sebo P, Maisonneuve H, Fournier JPGender gap in research: a bibliometric study of published articles in primary health care and general internal medicine. Fam Pract. 2020; 37: 325-31. IF 2,2 - SIGAPS D

Delory T, Jeanmougin PLariven S, Aubert JP, Peiffer-Smadja N, Boëlle PY, Bouvet E, Lescure FX, Le Bel J. A computerized decision support system (CDSS) for antibiotic prescription in primary care-Antibioclic: implementation, adoption and sustainable use in the era of extended antimicrobial resistance. Antimicrob Chemother. 2020;75: 2353-62. IF 5,8 - SIGAPS B

Peiffer-Smadja N, Poda A, Ouedraogo AS, Guiard-Schmid JB, Lariven S, Jeanmougin P, Ahmad R, Lescure FX. Paving the Way for the Implementation of a Decision Support System for Antibiotic Prescribing in Primary Care in West Africa: Preimplementation and Co-Design Workshop With Physicians. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22:e17940. IF 5,0 - SIGAPS A

Schmeltz HRat CPogu C, Bianco G, Cowppli-Bony A, Gaultier A, Nguyen JM. Effect of Physician Notification Regarding Nonadherence to Colorectal Cancer Screening on Early Cancer Detection. JAMA. 2020;323:2429-31. IF 45,5 - SIGAPS A

Hild SJohanet MValenza AThabaud MLaforest F, Ferrat E, Rat C; DEDICACES Group, the French National College of General Practitioners. Quality of decision aids developed for women at average risk of breast cancer eligible for mammographic screening: Systematic review and assessment according to the International Patient Decision Aid Standards instrument. Cancer. 2020;126:65-2774. IF 5,7 - SIGAPS B

Chambe J, Kobayashi Frisk M, Charton L, Lefebvre F, Will S, Rat CBourgin P. Hypnotic prescription by GPs is associated with their personal drug consumption but not by their insomnia status. Sleep Res. 2020;29e12993. IF 3,6 - SIGAPS C

Nguyen-Soenen JRat CFournier JPSuitability of patient education materials on proton pump inhibitors deprescribing: a focused review. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2020; 76:17-21. Larramendy SGaultier AGiffon S, Thibaut S, Caillon J, Moret L, Beaudeau F Prevalence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in community-acquired urinary tract infections in Western France. Med Mal Infect. 2020; 50:297-300. IF 2,1 - SIGAPS E

Brutus L. Expérimenter en soins primaires ? Pratiques. 2020;91:74-6. NI

Sciuto C, Rousseau R. Expression du désaccord par le patient en consultation de médecine générale. Exercer 2020;164:254-60. NI

Publications du DMG